Prep Time

Dec 11

I’m getting ready to dive in to the next round, so I feel like I’m going down my checklist, ticking off boxes as fast as I can, and — hurry, hurry, hurry — because it is December and there is a lot to do.  I’ll “surface” after this next round a day or two before Christmas, so I’ve really got to make sure I get a lot done this week.

Being bald is an adjustment.  My head is chilly indoors and freezing outdoors and I’m still sorting out headwear: this one’s itchy, this one’s too hot, this one’s too tight, etc.  I’ve learned that this time I need indoor hats and outdoor hats.  I’m sure I’ll settle on a favorite soon.  Last time I was bald it was summertime, so my major concerns were trying to avoid sunburn and also staying cool; I also rarely/never wore a hat in the house.  It’s entirely different in the winter; I really miss my long, thick hair–my neck and ears are freezing!  However, I also forgot how nice people are when you’re bald.  I performed my annual pilgrimage to the mall this week for some Christmas shopping, and everyone was just so friendly.  You can see the moment when the baldness/cancer registers in their eyes and there is a visible softening around the edges.  It’s special.  Softer is good.

My oophorectomy surgery is on Friday, so I’ll spend the weekend on the couch recovering from that.  Dr. Knockout (my OB/GYN) is doing the surgery, and I am looking forward to eliminating estrogen as a source of fuel for the cancer.  Dr. Knockout is awesome.  The last two times I’ve seen her, she has been wearing dresses from TitleNine (one of my favorite stores) and when I leave her office I feel like I’ve just had coffee with a good friend.  She is one of those people who digs deep and is very conversational because I matter to her.  Isn’t that cool?

On Sunday I start my steroid regimen because Orange Chemo is on Monday (12/16).  Yee haw–time for round two!

All these things are happening to give every advantage to the dream I have of fifty more years.  God is good; I trust Him!

Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your mind fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. — 1 Peter 1:13


  1. You’re doing it, Ember! Go orange!

  2. December isn’t hectic enough…but toss in another surgery, followed closely by orange Chemo…you’ve got a lot on your plate, Missy!!!I’ve been busy praying and sending positive energy. (If either burned calories; I’d be a stick by now! LOL) Too bad there isn’t an UGG hat…if there were one, your bald head would always be the perfect temperature whether you were inside the house or out in the frigid winter weather. Maybe you should sketch designs for a few and submit the idea to the company. Stay strong. I’ll be wearing orange on Monday! ♥p

  3. Praying.

  4. I have prayers and my orange and black beads ready for next week. Love

  5. Rebecca /

    Go orange! Praying for you….**hugs**

  6. Tiffany Green /

    I pray that round 2 will be over and done with before you know it and that this Christmas will be even more special than you can imagine. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Love and continued blessings to each of you!

  7. Bonnie BJ /

    Must be on the same wave length. .. was dreaming of soft silky hats last night. I wish I could whip up the Perfect Creamsicle topper for your beautiful head !! Wearing orange on Monday and praying fervently! !

  8. Kim Rourke /

    Orange it is on Monday! Rest up this weekend! I love the Ugg hat idea! Could be a trend setter!

  9. Praying! 50 years and lots of strength for you to live well today.

  10. Danette /

    Orange is my favorite color, go orange!! Prayers always!

  11. nancy zwolinski /

    Thank you Jen for the courage and grace of sharing your journey. It has helped me to understand”normal” with friends in seasons of struggle and hardship. I appreciate you and what God is doing thru you. Orange is the brightest, spunkiest and beautiful of colors. I will wear it with you.

  12. For indoors, my mom loved cotton caps that had a little head-band detailing attached. They were super-soft and actually looked nice, too.

  13. Orange Monday here in The Bay Area for you. Holding good thought sand lifting you up to the Universal Healing Power. May Orange go smoothly and the holidays that follow be peaceful and rich with warmth and memories in the making.