Thumb holes and fancy tights

Jul 31

We have had a very unseasonable cold snap come through our area over the past week.  Normally, July means long pool days, prayers of gratitude for air conditioning, and choking on the heat when I climb into my hot car.  This cold snap has dropped the temperature 20-30 degrees and created some marvelous outdoor weather.  It is too cold for the pool (at least for the...

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Referred blessings

Jul 25

A few months ago, I got an email from a sweet girl who “referred” me to her college girlfriend–a Cincinnatian who had just been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I was able to get in touch with the patient, and I was able to give her a thorough de-briefing about the ins and outs of being a breast cancer patient.  It was a great conversation, and I...

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The Woo Gene

Jul 24

Did you know there is a genetic predisposition to shriek with glee? It’s true. It’s called the Woo Gene.  Or rather, the WOOOOO HOOOOO gene. Almost everyone on my mom’s side of the family is afflicted with it.  It means that when a person is affected, they will spontaneously flail, jump up and down like a banshee, and shriek “WOOOOO”...

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Jul 21

On Mondays I make my weekly pilgrimage to Dr. Wonderful’s oncology office.  I get a weekly infusion of the biological drug Herceptin through my port.  The plan is for this to continue “indefinitely”.  Dr. Wonderful has me on a short list of patients who are high maintenance with cancer prevention, so there are no plans for my Monday schedule to...

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A new site

Jul 21

My friend KDesign has hooked me up.  She took my little corner of the Internet and made it a lot more me.  I’m incredibly grateful for her talent, insight, patience, generosity and creativity through the process.  My new website is, and I am so happy to have a personalized site.  I feel so fancy! I’ve got a lot of writing that has been...

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