A new site
Jul 21
My friend KDesign has hooked me up. She took my little corner of the Internet and made it a lot more me. I’m incredibly grateful for her talent, insight, patience, generosity and creativity through the process. My new website is dotodaywell.com, and I am so happy to have a personalized site. I feel so fancy!
I’ve got a lot of writing that has been marinating in my head. I’ve got a feeling posts are going to be regular again, at least I hope so. I am so grateful for all I have been given; thank you for being a part of this little life of mine.
So great to hear from you again! And you site looks fantastic. You have a wonderful voice and a great story that needs to be told! Thank you.
I love the new site – very fancy! May I make one comment on it though, and not offend you? The font is itsy bitsy and it’s so light in color. I know I can blow up the page and darken my screen every time, and I will if need be. I just thought I’d suggest a slight reformatting to help a girl out! 😉
Love it! I peeked around and checked out your organization and look, and I think it’s great! Yay KDesign!
Your new site is gorgeous! I love the header graphic! Kudos to your designer friend for the gorgeous design! Thanks again for sharing your journey with us!