Hospital life
Nov 07
I’m awaiting my last big oral medicine dose of the day so that I can go t0 sleep here in the hospital for night number three.
Overall, my body and lab result continues to trend in the needed direction so that I can be discharged. Brad is a champ, he managed to see me on the way to and from work: we finally have a benefit to his long commute. Haha! He is well, but also understandably overwhelmed with all of the logistics he has to continue to manage both personally and professionally. I think it would be weird if he wasn’t overwhelmed! I couldn’t be prouder of the way he is coping. He is such a stud.
Today I talked to few people via text, fewer via phone, and had four family members visit. I’m behind in my communications, but I read every message/comment/note (sometimes eventually) that comes in, and I feel loved with every one. Thank you!
I also met about thirty new hospital staff today because every department wants/needs to interact with ICU patients during their stay. I don’t fit the profile of the patients they normally service, so today I decided I’m going to start declining all those meetings and save myself the energy. and I seriously might put a sign on my door: “If you are not here for life-saving measures, please go away. This patient is napping!” That is the hard part of hospitals for me: the losing of independence and ownership of my schedule. I am tired!
I’m still in the ICU because there wasn’t a bed available on the oncology floor today, so my big action tomorrow will probably be getting a new room on a new floor. Hopefully this one will have a view: I heard it snowed in Cincinnati today!? I have a lot of confidence I am where I need to be and that my people are coping as best I can — that feels good.
I have a sense of peace from God that is my foundational footing. As the variables of the day evolve and change, I am content in knowing who I am and in doing today well. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!
I love you Jen
♥️ Annie Rosen
Love you Jen.
Buderim mob are all scattered as you know but are angels ( maybe naughty angels) on your shoulder and there with you in spirit.
Sending you so much strength and prayers. I’ve followed you from your first post and find inspiration and hope here. Stay doing well
Been thinking of you! Continued love and hugs from all of us!
P.S. Totally hang up that sign!!
Hospital stays are never fun, but there is peace knowing you are in a place where help is just a few feet away. It is always your right to decline services of any kind, esp if you feel you need to rest and reflect. You are surrounded by prayers, love, and light. Please keep us all updated (as you are able), so that we know how you are doing. It isn’t an easy time, but continue to walk by faith and not by sight.
Love you!
Love you!🥰
At our Tried and True board meeting today, we prayed for you that you and yours would have much needed rest and peace. And we said your courage and positive spirit encourages us to do today well. Hospital or not, the ripple of doing today well reaches and encourages many.
Praying those hospital peeps leave you alone to rest!!! 🙏🏼🤗
People think you are bored in the hospital. Not the case! Four since July and visitors are exhausting in between all the Dr.’s, check-ins, etc. Best wishes on getting home. That is where we rest best.
So much love and so many prayers! You and yours are in my thoughts constantly.
Aaaand I posted the FIRST comment. 🥳 There’s a prize out there for that.
Sleep Well Dear Sweet Jen ~ GOD Loves You & Many other do also ~ What a Mentor You Are!!!!!!! Prayers & Hugs 🙂
Love you Jen!
Been praying and thinking of you, girlfriend. Been praying for you to be able to get rest that is restorative and healing. Your ability and desire to keep us all updated is a gift to those who love you. Praying for Brad and the girls.
Love ya girl…
Trending in the right direction is a win! So glad for peace too. Love you Jen.
Yes !! Laminate that sign and don’t be afraid to use it!!
And that is from and ICU nurse. Fully support that decision.
<3 <3 <3
Love you so much, friend. You are fiercely warring even while horizontal. Praying all the things. So many hugs and love and prayers.
Jen, you are never far from my thoughts. Praying your labs will continue to trend in the direction that will get you home to your family ASAP. 💕🙏🏻🙏🏻💕
Jen, love you. Thank you for using precious energy to keep all of us updated. Pray, praying. Sweet dreams, friend.
We think of you all often and pray for you daily. Sending hugs from Wisconsin.
As I head for my own bed, I will say prayers of thanksgiving for your wonderful husband and prayers for strength as he cares for you and the girls. I have never met Brad yet feel I know him through your words. Also praying for your room with a view which could only strengthen your sense of peace. I’ll pray for sunshine, blue skies, and fluffy white clouds outside that window. God’s gift to you to brighten and lift you.
Oh, and I love your sign idea!!!
You inspire us all, Jen!❤️🙏🏻❤️
How I missed that you were in the hospital, I don’t know, but I am praying now! 🙏♥️
Thinking of you Jen, sending love from Arizona ❤️
I know the rhythms (syncopated, at best . . . arguably completely arrhythmic) of ICU life all too well from experience with someone in my family. It’s endless, and sometimes it seems people find a way to pop in right when you’re finally getting some good sleep. I will pray for peace: outward, inward, and going forward. <3
Dear Jen. I hope that this finds you feeling rested and the peace you feel continues. God bless you today and my prayers for you and your family continue as always. Your journey has been an amazing one filled with many #DoTodayWell days. You are always spreading the goodness of Faith in God and all those caring for you. Your life is one of so much Hope. And the Love that has been manifested through your journey has been amazing. You have been Christ for others and have allowed others to be Christ for you. What a wonderful legacy you are creating. Thank you for sharing your Journey with us. You have filled us with the three things that matter most. Love to you my friend. And always know I am here storming heaven for you.
Jen- I pray daily for you to heal- and feel peace. Your blogs are amazing even when you are dealing with all of THIS!! I also say prayers for Brad and the girls…. wishing you rest
Jen you have a gift of not sweating the small stuff, you keep your eyes on the big picture – proud of you! God Bless your day, and hope you get a room with a view!
Good Morning 🌞 Jen, you’re correct it snained yesterday but today the sun is Glorious!! May you get the test results needed to go Home to your family Today!!
These verses were on my heart this morning….
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!! I believe this is your Do Today Well……. And you DO so wonderfully ☺️
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch..
Praying you get to come HOME Today!! As always……praying😚 for all of you!!
Love, love, LOVE you!
First comment on your blog, but I’ve been stalking, I mean reading 😉, for a while. Praying, praying, praying for you, Brad, and the girls. You are constantly on my mind and such an inspiration to us all, even from a hospital bed ♥️ so much love and prayers
Continued prayers Jen.. I hope you have a Room With a View,,Take care and tell everyone to let you rest. Put the sign on your door..
Jen, I’m praying for peace for you and for your whole family.