Action plan

May 02

All of the important minds have now weighed in on my bronchoscopy from last Thursday. I’m glad I did the procedure. From the images, my team got important information about how the cancer in my lungs is affecting my airways. At this time, there are no interventions possible from the pulmonology team (stenting, excisions, etc.) which is not a great surprise. The good news is that the team thinks that I can benefit from some radiation therapy.

Yesterday morning I got a call from the radiation oncologist’s office offering me a same day(!!!) appointment — yeah! I am so fortunate that I have such amazing advocates that make things happen quickly for me! Yesterday afternoon I went to Dr. Smart’s office to get the ball rolling. His team is on it, and I met with not only him and his nurses, but also with his treatment team. Dr. Smart would like to give me about ten rounds of radiation targeting specific spots in my lungs that — based on the recent PET, CT and bronchoscopy imaging — are impacting my breathing. I am all in on this, and really excited to be using both chemo and radiation this month to beat down the cancer. My chemo regimen should remain unchanged with the addition of radiation therapy.

Right now I have tape and permanent marker all over my chest as place-holders for where the treatment beams will be lined up. Right now Dr. Smart is doing a lot of nerdy calculations that fuse physics, radiology, nuclear medicine, oncology, geometry, and anatomy knowledge together to create a plan for how to radiate me. Radiation oncologists, as I told Dr. Smart yesterday, are the absolute nerdiest of all the doctors because they combine all these high level fields. He laughed with me and agreed that he loves academia and that is part of why it has been the right specialty for him.

I’ll start as soon as Dr. Smart’s office calls me to tell me that he has the plan ready. In the meantime, I am resting from Monday’s chemo and making peace with the uncompleted tasks that are piling up. I am hopeful about the next steps, and really enjoying our spring season as a family.


  1. Kim Rourke /

    Wonderful news that there is a plan!! I’m praying the radiation will kick that cough quickly! Easy does it!

  2. Sherry Stoffer /

    Good news! May their skillful hands and minds help with the breathing!4

  3. Karin Eppert /

    Thank You Lord, for same day appointments, nerdy smart doctors and a battle plan! Thank you for these regiments that have been created to kill cancer cells. Thank you for spring weather and sunshine. Bless Jen and her family!

  4. Marlayne /


  5. You have the absolute BEST attitude. Love the teaming up of Dr. Smart to aim his little missiles and “Go! Fight! Win” against cancer! Rest up, Jen, because your job is to let those chemical warriors do their job. ♥

  6. Kathi Roth /

    I love Nerds! So grateful the battle plan is made. You are one tough , funny and courageous warrior. Rest up friend

  7. Peggy /

    Prayers are with you…hoping your breathing becomes easier.

  8. Julie Hughes /

    Love your positive attitude! Yes, kill all the cancer cells in any way possible! Praying for you! Love from Alabama!

  9. Ginger /

    Love your great attitude! Continued prayers for you always❤️??❤️

  10. TeeK /

    “blessed are the nerds, for they shall cure cancer and inherit the earth” Amen

  11. Bonnie B Jackson /

    SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD PLAN JEN!! I’m totally impressed with how the Lord goes before you… . Praying that the results will calm the cough?

  12. Janet Raulin /

    Continued prayers for you!??

  13. Hi Jen, I’m praying for you and for your family. Love to you, Kay

  14. Cindy Mitchell /

    Jen, I am glad they found the problem and can treat it.. Prayers for the radiation and chem to killed each and every cell.. We think positive and keep our heads up high..

    • Terry Reznick /

      You and the family are in our prayers. Keep that attitude, it will help to overcome this cancer. Never hope, say it will happen by the grace of God

  15. Lindsay /

    Love your “all in” attitude!!

  16. Jennifer /

    Always inspired by your fierce will to choose a positive mindset – hopes & wishes that this new arsenal of medicine + physics brings some healing and relief.