This girl is on fire
Sep 02

I took Greta to her very first yoga class this morning. Maren has started volleyball–her favorite activity as of the past year or so–and we are keen to expose Greta to physical activities she shows interest in. Since no one I know has personal experience with kid yoga, I googled local yoga studios and this was the most convenient option for us. This morning Greta tried on three different leotards (thanks to our friend for the hand-me-downs), and had “yoga breakfast” in her tummy and “yoga hairdo” complete before getting into our “yoga car.” Um, can you tell she was a wee bit excited?
I could hear and see a lot of the class by listening and peeking around the cracked door (and sticking my phone in for a few photos.) The class was pretty awesome: great teacher, age-appropriate yoga and movement, and fun. There were only two little girls there today, so the teacher-to-student ratio was also quite strong. It’s a pay-per-class thing, and I think we’ll be going back next Wednesday at 10am (any of G’s friends interested in joining?)
Greta loved it. She has been clambering for yoga since we talked about it last week, and it did not disappoint. She showed off a few moves to Brad and Maren tonight, and I am curious to see how it plays out going forward. Her favorite move? The camel pose because the teacher instructed/allowed/let her do a camel spit when she did it. That’s my girl: she likes the spitting pose. Ha! Also, I want this elephant and all of the yoga clothes from the waiting room/boutique:
It is so fun that my kids expose me to things that I would not necessarily seek out for myself. I’ve always been mildly interested in yoga and have taken a class here and there, but it’s never “stuck.” I love that this is Greta’s initiative and I love the practice of channeling Greta’s power for good. She’s such a fierce mind and strong spirit… it brings to mind the lyrics from the “girl is on fire” song, and I’m so thrilled to watch her grow. She really is exquisite…
Namaste Greta!!
Love it!
Kid yoga. I love it.
She is definitely a girl who knows her own mind! Bravo Greta!
If you ever decide to give yoga another go yourself, try a yin yoga (or restorative yoga) class. It’s a more restful form of yoga based on holding gentler poses for longer periods of time and It’s about (in my opinion) learning to soften in stress and make your peace with hard circumstances. Not that you need any help in that department 🙂 But I know I’ve found it extremely helpful in dealing with my chronic health issue this year. Thanks for always inspiring me, Jen. When I need a shot of encouragement or better perspective, I come here and always find it through you. What a ministry of encouragement and leadership you so kindly and bravely share with us all.