Snuggle Therapy
Nov 16

I had the best three hours of the week this morning doing this:
This is without a doubt my favorite parenting posture. We started snuggling this way when Greta was an infant. Maren would wait for me to finish nursing and then she would climb up on my lap to join her little sister. They both press their ears to my chest and curl up in a way so they are totally relaxed. (I, too, am relaxed–I am not violating my post-op lifting restrictions.) We three talk and sing and giggle together. Greta almost always ends up on my right, Maren on my left. This leaves Maren’s deeply dimpled left cheek exposed, and Greta’s deeply dimpled right cheek exposed. I tell my girls that they have their dimples because Mommy has given them so, so, so many kisses that there is actually a dent in their cheek from all of the kisses! They giggle and fill their cheeks with air to try to fix it, but that mark of love just won’t go away. I tell them the love is so strong that nothing can change it or break it. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Anything is possible with love.
Maren’s left cheek, and Greta’s right cheek are forever dimpled with my love.
I love this! I feel the love in that room…with love anything is possible. Thinking of you 🙂
Beautiful!!! The tears started flowing with that description of your time with the girls!! Praying without ceasing for all of you!!
That is, perhaps, the most precious picture that I have ever seen! So much love!!
Love the picture, love the moment, love the dimples. Love IS all!!
Heart overflowing for you. Thank you Jesus for that sweet morning time. Praying your cup is filled up. I know their’s is. I love the truth you speak over them. They are strong and courageous because of the way you live and move and have your being in Jesus. You continue to challenge me. Thank you for that.
Best. Picture. Ever!!! I’m so glad that the visit went well… Love to you all!
Absolutely LOVE this forever photo !!!! I, too, love snuggle time !!
The love is positively leaping out of this photo and this post! Such precious memories like this will envelop you and your girls forever and ever — and their dimples will indeed be constant reminders of your love too!! <3
Love to you and those beautiful girls!
Beautiful picture there. I don’t know you and we have never met, but I find myself looking forward to your next post. You are such an inspiration to all. I love how you can stay so up beat, but I think that comes from all the love and your faith, and I do believe that all goes with the healing process. So keep up the good work and know that you are in my prayers!!!!!
Get all the snuggles & kisses they will allow! I love this post & think of you often! Do. Today. Well! Be Relentless & Believe!
Honestly, I’m glad you decided to cuddle. Thank you for sharing this sweet story with us.
♥ P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S ♥
How lovely! I am a big sister, like Maren, and I still remember with such vividness the special times while my mom was nursing my baby brother, even though I was closer to Greta’s age than Maren’s. It wasn’t anything dramatic that made those moments etch themselves so deeply on my memory–it must just have been the extra love and security I felt. Those kinds of moments are almost outside of time, they have such power to transport us and make the distant feel very near, through however many years, across whatever distance. It sounds like your girls are just like me, and will have the same deep, deep well of memories to draw on and to feel close to you when they’re away at college or with their own babies perhaps.
And, as Tina Fey says in Bossypants, they’ll make a mental note to call you, and probably forget, but you’ll know.
A Beautiful trio of love, the cutest.
Love Neecie
Dimples, little girl smiles, and a Mama’s love = a wonderful day! Love to all of you, Lauri
I want to climb up on your lap too. Is that weird? Xo
So happy you were able to be with both of your angels. You are a gift to them…
Nothing beats snuggle time…best medicine ever! Love the story of the dimples. It is the simple little things in life that are the most precious. Continued thoughts & prayers for healing coming your way.
What an awesome picture!
I have been following your story since there was a link on Momastery a while back. You are such an inspiration. I am learning from you how to handle unexpected crisis with grace, dignity, joy and calm.
I am thinking of you and your family often and pray for your cure. Even though we have never met, nor live near each other (I’m in Hamilton, Ontario) I hope my prayers and healing thoughts are enough to help you and your beautiful family through this very trying time.
Thank you for continuing to share your story.
It’s funny how so many people described this as PRECIOUS. That’s exactly what I thought the moment I read this blog and saw the girls snuggling. Jen, You radiate LOVE and Maren and Greta are soaking in all that warmth, contentment and security in your loving embrace! Hugs, kisses, prayers and good wishes!
Snuggle therapy is the best! Your girls love you so much and I am confident they know how loved they are. My two each have one dimple on opposite sides. :). Prayers for continued healing and frequent snuggle time.
Continuing to pray for you and your sweet family!
I did the 2-day 39 mile AvonWalk for breast cancer a few weeks ago in Charlotte and finished along with another lady that was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 8 years ago . . . thought that was pretty awesome!
Jen, thank you for sharing such a special moment from your life with us! Your girls are blessed to have you for their mother. They will never forget your mark of love!