Banana fana fo Freta
Jan 29
Since Greta turned about six months old, it has been necessary to sing to her so that she will hold still for diaper changes. If there is no singing there is much flailing. Flailing and poop is a bad combination, people. Bad.
Other parents seem to have children who lay quietly on their backs and coo softly and eat their vegetables and play independently and hold hands in parking lots.
Mine don’t.
So, three (or eleven) times a day, you will find me using my dubious musical abilities to woo my daughter into holding still so that we can avoid disaster. We I sing lots of songs, and Greta has recently been interrupting me mid-song with her requests. Her latest favorite is the Name Song. I don’t even know if it’s a real song, but it goes something like this: “Name Name bo bame, banana fanna fo fame, me mi mo mame, Name.” Repeat with a new name. Endlessly.
At twenty months, Greta has started saying the last part of the song herself, the Name, and she is using the correct tune. It’s adorable, and she giggles and is so pleased with herself.
I also caught her singing Skidamarink to her baby doll today.
I love that it is music that stops her in her tracks. It’s such an innocent, childish, in-the-moment reaction.
We are very hopeful that she will be blessed with her father’s musical abilities, rather than mine.
I pray that her love of song will grow as she grows.
Good morning Jen. I love reading all your posts. God has given you such a wonderful talent in your writing. You capture the beauty and hope in every situation God puts in front of you. And you have brought that beauty and hope into so many people’s lives. Thank you. Much love to you.
You describe so vividly. Thank you for sharing and helping me remember some of the parallel incidents in your lives. Sing, Greta, sing!!
The Name Game … definitely a real song (went to #3 on the Billboard charts, I believe).
Sounds like even diaper changing is “fun” in your household! — I usually felt like a cattle-wrangler while attempting to change my 5 butts. “And look at *that*, people! Mom has set an all-time record!” /cheers
She would love Music Together classes!
My 3yr old son LOVES the Name Song! We sing it a lot – he likes to give me items to insert as the name – I think guacaomole bowl was my favorite of his suggestions.
Love your blog, you’re a great inspiration!
We sang The Name Game to each other as kids just to instigate giggles and laughter. Silly is good!
A song in your heart is always good !!!!!! Keep singing girls 🙂