Nov 27
Today I wished:
I wish that I had kept up with some type of baby book for M & G. I want to write their baby-hoods down (in words and pictures) while I still remember them. Lucky for me, it’s not too late. They are still babes. I re-discovered my passion for story-telling this year. One photobook (storybook?) each for Christmas; I can make that wish happen, can’t I?
I wish for no more cancer. For anyone. Ever.
I wish that my house had white lights and wreaths on every window. My dad used to go all out with Christmas lights; I think our house was even in the newspaper once. Christmas lights are magical. However, Brad and I never seem to find the budget money for exterior Christmas decor. (Though we do have two trees with lights that flank the front door–we plan on adding a bit every year for the next forever.) I want my house to look cozy because I feel cozy in it.
I wish I could buy big things and make problems go away for Christmas. I wish I could rub away the stress, offer an opportunity, annoint health, and tell the future. Since my meager budget and eclectic skills are rather limited, I wish instead that my people would feel the love that comes at them through trinkets in pretty boxes this year. I love gifts and love gifting even more. It’s a language of love.
I wish we could still afford the cleaning lady (aka: fairy godmother) to come clean my house. But really Brad and I are too practical to have a cleaning lady now that I am not a chemo patient. But still. Fairy godmother, I miss you.
I wish my computer would miraculously stop giving me the rainbow wheel of (im)patience, and the web-loading shudder of gloom, and the flickering screen of uh-oh-that’s-not-good. I also wish that when I bring it to the Apple Store this week (a desperate attempt for a free fix), that the Genius would say, “Congratulations, it is your lucky day: here is your new MacBook.” And then s/he would hand me a spiffy new computer that doesn’t rumble, whirr, or threaten to lift off when it is hard at work. It’s possible, right? Anything is possible.
I wished for frivolous things today: things that don’t really matter, and yet they kind of do. I’m still sorting that one out.
I throw pennies in fountains, I blow away dandelion fluff, I look for shooting stars.
I wish.
I hope.
I pray.
I pray for my wishes, and wish for my prayers. I pray for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. I pray to keep in step with God. I am thankful that my day today had so much goodness in it. Please God, keep cancer from my body and give me the strength to Do Today Well. Amen.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. –John 15:7
“I wish I could rub away the stress, offer an opportunity, anoint health…” Jen, this line stood out when I read your post. You do each of these miraculous things every time you make a post for us to share. Your words ARE magical, and they strengthen, console, encourage, and rejuvenate your readers. Your words, and the Spirit that sends them out to us are a gift beyond any found in a box.
Blessings to you and yours as this Advent season begins!
Good morning Jen, Be of good cheer for the Lord HAS overcome this world. I too have some of your same wishes to extend to others. The list is long!! When you see loved ones struggling to stand, struggling to not be lonely, struggling to find a glimmer of hope in tomorrow. The list is long. Your story is one of hope, faith and healing endurance. That’s the best gift you can offer 🙂 And sometimes contentment is the greatest gift we can possess and share.now.Philippians 4:12
And I am wishing and praying all of your wishes come true!
Jen ~ God knows each of our dreams & hopes ~ we all have them & we even get some of them along the way 🙂 God is Good 🙂 Some never get to really know how Precious Life is in the way You, Your Mom, Some of My Family & Friends have come to know. From the day the word CANCER came out of the Doctors’ mouths, Life Changed Forever ~ Though Your Journey, You have shown so many what really is important ~ Yes, our wishes make Life Easier sometimes; however, they will never replace the LOVED ONE 🙂 As this Christmas Season of New Beginnings come, may You & Your Families be Blessed with Much Happiness. Maybe even some of your wishes 🙂 Smile & Enjoy this day 🙂
All Good wishes Jen, all good;) I’m sure this Christmas brings on a whole new meaning for the Andersons- many prayers (and wishes:)) for you.
Sending you love and light this Christmas season. Thank you for your honest sharing and your inspiring blog.