Mom is prepping
Jul 17
I talked to Mom and Dad on their way to the hospital this morning. They are in good spirits. Greta was awake and hollering at them through the phone, so that is always a good way to start the morning. Mom is deprived of her coffee (nothing to eat or drink after midnight on surgery day), but that appeared to be her biggest problem, so all is well. Luckily, she should be off to La La Land pretty soon. Dad will be in the waiting room and I’ll join him at lunchtime for a few hours. FYI, there is no cell reception in the waiting room (it’s in the basement), but there is wifi access. He/We can get emails, but not calls or texts. We can all read blog comments too! I’ll keep blogging to update loved ones throughout the day today. She should be gowned up and ready to go! Be gone cancer!
Mom is having the surgery at the hospital where she works, so we know she is in great hands. Everyone is on high alert and she enjoys a VIP status. It’s a good day to be “special” in that regard!
I’m sending love and prayers to you all today!
Hi Jen. Been praying for your mom all day. Got on my knees this morning for some special prayers for the nurses and doctors. Be gone cancer and may God hold your mom and your family in His most special care. Love, Sue
Sending all my healing energy and love to sweet Ros today and always. Jen your gift of writing has been so wonderful for me as I am too many miles away to be with you. Thank you. Because of you I feel very connected to your family. My continued love and prayers to this special mother daughter team. Hugs to Norv too! Love, carol Krisko
Thoughts and prayers for your mom this morning and to a speedy, kick ass recovery!!! 😉
Thoughts and prayers for your mom! Sounds like she is in great hands! You two are truly amazing ladies!!
It can be difficult to be the patient when you are used to being the one who cares for them. Bless her heart…prayers to her, and all of you. Keep us posted!!!
Our love and prayers are with your mom and the family today. Cancer be gone!!!
Good luck Roz! Hope all goes well. Thinking of you today, more than ever. Sending you a truckload of big koala hugs and kangaroo kisses from all your family in Australia. We love you and hope you have a safe and speedy recovery xxxooo
Continued Prayers for your Mom, You & Everyone who Loves the 2 of you 🙂 GOD is holding the surgeons hands & HE is Good 🙂
Please tell your Mom that all our aussie friends here in Cincy are thinking of her today. You both remain in our prayers.
Jen, please give your mom and dad the biggest hugs from me and tell them that I simply couldn’t be thinking more about them. And sending all of my love to you, Kate and Meg too!!
Big hugs, Jules
Been praying and continue to do so! Thank you for the updates Jen.
Your Mom IS special. I so enjoy your writing and hers as well. I know such positive outlooks and kindness of heart will bring the best results for you both. Continued prayers from Georgia!
I work at the hospital with your mom and she helped train me on the floor 5 years ago! I now work in the operating room and although I am off today I wish i was there to offer her comfort as she takes her nap 🙂 PLEASE tell her I’m praying for her and that she’s in great hands! And give her a hug for me please 🙂
Jen, for me the surgery was the scariest part…the unknown. But with family, friends and prayer it was a piece of cake! Sure, one does feel kinda crappy for a few days after but it’s another step of the journey to check off the list. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and in particular your mom! May she sail through this:)
Praying. God is good!
Jen – I will be saying prayers for your mom today. Lots of love to your family as you wait in the hospital.
I’m saying prayers for your mom, dad, family, docs & nurses today. Thinking about all of you & lifting you up from Ottawa, Canada.
Love and prayers to you as you wait! The Lord is our refuge and our tower of strength.
Praying for your mom and your entire family! Love to you all!
Prayers are being answered 🙂 Jen & Norv ~ Thank you for the updates ~ Here’s to a speedy recovery !!!!!!!! Prayers & Peace 🙂