A Funny

Jun 07

This might be glaringly obvious: when stressed, I cope by cracking jokes and finding the positive.  It is what works for me.  Funny stories are great, especially as stress-relievers.

During the first hour of Chemo #5, I was doing my normal chemo things: chatting with the girl next to me, reading emails/comments, and working on my recliner to-do list.  It was my first round on the new drugs.  Suddenly, I felt quite tired, so I leaned back and closed my eyes.

::I wake up.::  Where am I?

OMG I am in the chemo room!!!  Sleeping!!!

Did I drool?  OMG, I hope I didn’t drool.  Snore?  Talk?  I am so not a pleasant sleeper (ask my college roommates and husband–they will tell you!)  ::Furtive glance at clock to see how long I was out.::

An hour?  I just did the ugly sleep in the Chemo Room for an hour?  ::So embarassing.::

It turns out that for Chemo 5-16, I get Benadryl in addition to my steroid, digestive aid, and anti-nausea drugs in my IV.  So, like clockwork, fifteen minutes after the pre-meds start, I. Must. Sleep.  There is no fighting it.  So, I curl up in the recliner, under a warm blanket, and conk out, usually for about an hour.  It’s weird, and anti-social, but non-negotiable.  So, cheers to the Ugly Sleep!  🙂  It’s just another chemo perk!


  1. suenitz /

    That is funny! Just another humbling experience in this journey of life. It is all good!!

  2. Cyndi /

    I burst out laughing when I read this! It’s amazing the things we all do to stay in control and try to project the “right” image. I can so relate to that concept. Hmmmm, when will we realize we are perfect as we are, just as God created us…Ugly Sleep and all? I vote for starting NOW. Thanks so much for the reminder…and the fun laugh this morning! You’re the best!! xoxo

  3. Bonniebj /

    Ahhhh, a forced nap 🙂 roll with it Jen for we KNOW that the Lord gives to His beloved in their sleep. Psalm 127:2

  4. I find it hilarious that the brave woman who boasts a beautiful bald head gets embarrassed about falling asleep in the chemo room. Thanks for sharing your cute ’embarrassment’ with us:)

  5. CCRollins /

    That’s so funny! It happens to my Mom every time — just like you said. She goes from sober to a “Benedryl drunk” in 10 minutes. I laugh at her when she snorts in her sleep…thanks for sharing!

  6. That’s fantastic! I have the same reaction, but my kids don’t! I discovered that on an airplane flight… the flight from h***. Just sayin’ and keepin’ it real.

  7. Never ever feel guilty about sleeping. Especially now when sleep may be hard to come by. Even if you do drool-you’re still pretty cool! We all have or will at some point in our lives anyway right? Keep charging ahead!

  8. Tracy /

    Have you ever thought about publishing this blog? I think it’d be an absolutely amazing book! I know it’s kind of the same thing as having it online in a blog, but I guess I’m kind of old school when it comes to books…I refuse to get some kind of electronic e-book reader. I LOVE to read, but I want a bound book. There is nothing quiet like curling up with a nice heavy quilt, in my favorite reading chair to read and smelling the leather binding and paper as you turn the pages and get lost in a story. Like I said…you’d write one amazing book! I love to read your blog! (even though it’s online haha)


  1. My Sludge | AndersonFamilyZoo's Blog - [...] she graduated from chemo to radiation (yay Spunky!)  I will probably sleep for an hour due to the Benadryl…
  2. Chemo musings | AndersonFamilyZoo's Blog - [...] four or five times, they were willing to take it out of the pre-meds.  So, I no longer suffer…