Real Life Help

May 10

It keeps happening.  Everywhere I go, people ask me, “What can I do to help?”  They ask my closest friends, “What does she need?”  There is a pulse, strong and consistent, that keeps coming at me with these pleas to do something for us.  It is humbling, but it is also hard: Brad and I feel blessed in that we both feel we can do this....

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Chemo frolic

May 09

I got to run this morning and it was perfect running weather.  (I ditched that hat for a bandana, if you’re wondering.  Oh, and I was wearing a Miami Broomball t-shirt.)  I looked around the neighborhood while I ran and decided we definitely need to get some Knockout Roses for our yard.  Seeing all those bright blooms just makes me happy.  Running without the...

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Chemo Eve

May 08

It’s that time again: Chemo Day #4. Tomorrow the girls will go to Phenom’s house while I work out, prep healthy veggies and meals for the next few days, tidy up, run laundry, and pay some bills.  At lunchtime, I will leave for Dr. Wonderful’s office.  The nurses will check my weight, blood pressure, temperature.  I’ll see Dr. Wonderful and/or...

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To the moon

May 07

This morning, Maren and I went in to Greta’s room together when we heard her wake up.  We sang happy birthday to her and filled her room with chatter, as we do most mornings.  As a tactic to get Maren to change out of the Christmas dress she had chosen to wear today, I asked her if she would like to match clothes with Greta.  While Maren and I were discussing...

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May 06

I am being sustained along this journey in so many ways.  I keep looking up and focusing on today, and I bump into encouragement, hope, and fun at every turn. Remember How Do I Do It? Honest-to-God, I feel I have this bubble of protection over me.  It is so powerful and calm and safe.  I look outside myself and think, “why aren’t  you in a puddle on the...

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