
I have Stage IV breast cancer, which means I have metastatic disease and my prognosis is terminal.  Now I fight daily against the doom of statistics because I want to raise my daughters and I want to see them grow to be brilliant women.  The battle is raging, but God is good.

I’m often intentionally vague when it comes to my cancer details. There are many reasons for this. However, if you do have a question because you are a cancer patient or love someone who is, I will be happy to reply to you privately–just email me.  (andersonfamilyzoo(at)gmail(dot)com)

I have an ever-growing circle of friends, some near, and some far. If you’re in the cancer club, I’m sorry. But I also would love to be your friend and help you navigate if I can. Email me.

diagnosis, March 2012:

Extensive multi-focal cancers in the left breast. Suspicious spots in the spine (resolved 3/2012) and liver (resolved 8/2012) caused my oncologist to treat me like a Stage IV (metastatic and terminal) patient. My cancer doctor had tears in her eyes when she diagnosed me. Science aside, that’s how I really knew it was bad.

current medical status:

Stage IV breast cancer with spots in my lymph nodes and lungs.