One of my talents
Apr 29
I don’t know what you all did today, but at about six o’clock this evening I got a very important phone call from a very important five-year-old. She, in her very big and grown up five-year-old voice asked me if I would be able to come over and pull out her loose tooth.
I, if you don’t already know this, am an excellent tooth puller. Clearly my talent in this area has spread far and wide throughout the neighborhood. I know, I know, you know lots of excellent tooth pullers so this is nothing special. But, if I were compiling a resume of Jen’s current talents, it would read:
-Going out to eat with people for good conversation is a well-honed talent and current favorite activity.
-No one pulls a tooth better than this girl.
-Good encourager of people to be their best selves.
So, you know, everyone has their areas of excellence, and it was reinforced to me that I should stay in my lane(s) where I am the best. I am available for any of the aforementioned activities at any time.
I was so proud of my girl: she was so brave and I got it out with one hefty yank-twist (a move I should really patent…). It had quite the fang below the gum so it was a painful little first tooth but she took it like a champ. I loved being called upon for such an important milestone and will treasure the giggles and high-fives and memories of tonight.
Also today, but much less noteworthy, I had chemo with my team today. We don’t have any tangible results from the pulmonologist or his report yet, so we are still in wait mode with regard to that. I feel content to wait, knowing that there might not be any interventions possible anyway.
Greta and her buddy did a little neighborhood decorating and safety directions today after school. (They also did some chalk graffiti on the playground posts — I have made it clear that the chalk goes on the sidewalks only; sorry neighbors!)
Maren walked to and from side-by-side with me on our tooth-pulling escapade while Greta speed-scootered ahead of us. I’m digging the tween-age bonuses of slow walks with my big girl and the conversation it affords. It is fun to spend time together in new ways and to learn what makes her happy. Today: math, nice-ness, and good water bottles.
I hope you had a day where you were excellent at something. Probably not as impressive as my Expert Tooth Pulling display, but you know, still cool. Ha!
This is a sweet story! I can not pull teeth or even stand to wiggle them, so I appreciate those that can – this is a gift. I do remember that my Claire lost her first tooth at your house, many years ago! She is done losing teeth and in braces now…our babies are growing up!
To the Best ??♀️ Story ??Love that your day was filled with Joy ?
This story touches my heart and the pictures and video are Priceless ?
Love this story! This was my super power when teaching elementary school. After a successful pull I would kiss them with bright red lipstick kept in my drawer for said occasion. It was the badge of honor for those who braved the pulling.
That is a skill I do not possess! I cannot bear watching the wiggle when it gets close to falling out or being pulled out, and I certainly can’t watch or even think about being the one to do the pulling. You are one strong woman!
Love the sunshine over the sewer access cover. ♥
We might need your talent here in the next few days. During Grandad’s surprise birthday party last evening, the excited grandkids were running all around the house. Suddenly a loud screaming came from the front hall , the two 5 yr old cousins had collided, the little girl had split her lip open and her two front teeth were now very crooked, her boy cousin had teeth marks and a goose egg forming in the middle of his forehead! We will see what today brings for those wobbly front teeth! Life is full of adventure!
Only special people can have these special talents!! Sidewalk chalk art is a sign tha5 Spring is here!, enjoy
All hail the Tooth Pulling Queen!? I too admire the sub-urban art piece.
I had no idea this was one of your many skills…you always amaze me no matter what! Love the pics as well 🙂
Hey there tooth puller… great job..You might have to get an appointment book for neighborhood kids..Take care and have a great day yourself..