Green Chemo Eve

Jan 26

Green Chemo Eve

Today I started my steroid regimen for Green Chemo and tomorrow (Monday) I’ll be in the Chemo Room for most of the day while the drugs drip in.  It’s the official halfway point through my six rounds of chemotherapy.  Blue is on February 17, and Purple is on March 10.

As with so many elements in life, it goes both so very quickly, and so very slowly at the same time.

There is a contentment in the chemotherapy, a soothing salve to my anxious human self: we are treating, we are doing, we are cancer-killing.  I find odd comfort in watching the poison run from the IV bag through the tubing and into my port because I can see it.  It is a tangible weapon.

What I keep coming back to, though, is that any hope — real hope — that I have comes from my faith in God.  I believe God is good.  I believe he loves me.  I choose to live in the hope of heaven on earth rather than the dismay of the world.

The world says I am dying.

God says life here is just the beginning.

Phew.  Thank goodness for my faith.  The root of my joy starts there.

Tonight I pray for life as God designed it.  His world has no cancer, no ugly, no hate, no evil.  Tomorrow I’ll rise and rage against cancer, specifically.  I’ll love the people; I’ll seek goodness; I’ll be joyful.  I choose love.

As a green-eyed redhead, I have lots of green choices in my wardrobe.  (Red, Orange, and Yellow were slim pickings in my closet.)  Tomorrow I’ll be wearing a designer shirt I got from my aunt’s boutique in Australia.  I’m wearing some handmade bracelets made my favorite short stacks.  I’m wearing fuzzy, warm green happy socks.  I’m wearing items that were gifted and have happy mojo attached to them.  I’ll be covered in love from head to toe.  So yes, that makes me one lucky girl.  The love is so sustaining.

I’ll be thinking happy thoughts too.  Seventeen Monday’s ago, this is what I was doing:


That’s me.  I’m kayaking in the ocean off Mooloolaba Beach.  (Happy Australia Day, Aussies!)  Shall we say, a slight departure from my average Monday morning–cancer or no cancer.


And that is the humpback whale waving hello less than thirty yards from my kayak.  I know, amazing, right?

I love this life.  I’m so proud to be living it well.  Do Today Well, people.  Do Today Well.


  1. Lisa Smith /


  2. You are so pure and powerful and a true gift from God – is it okay if I say you and that whale have a lot in common? : )

  3. so happy to be a part of that day with you Jen

  4. Lori6NV /

    Donning green in your honor tomorrow. Sister on, warrior!

  5. Pam Moser /

    Thinking of and praying for you & your family. Your faith is an inspiration. Love from North GA.

  6. It’ll be a Green Monday here for you, Jen, as you continue thru the therapy. Know you’re being held up.

  7. The halfway mark…awesome. Carry on brave, sweet warrior. Your outlook and faith is truly inspiring.


  8. Praying on Green Day!

  9. Jane Powell /

    I found your uncle Mark sobbing today. I couldn’t understand why. Then I read your post. Our thoughts are with you, dear sweet Jen.

    • Melody Smith /

      Just turned around and went back to the bedroom to change my shirt from grey to green…will be thinking of you today Jen with hopes that God provides just what you need plus a little more 🙂

  10. Praying for you and those you love. Go Green!!!

  11. Kim Rourke /

    As your orange/red wardrobe is sparse, so goes my green one. I could kidnap countless MSU Spartan wear from Jack, but am opting instead for classroom friendly. There will be green construction paper hearts floating around in Rm. 18 today!

    P.S. Whales!!!! Wow!!!

  12. Praying, praying, praying. 50!

  13. Good GREEN morning to you Ms. Jen! Since I live in FL I’m surrounded by green year-round and I’ll be decked out in green today. I sent many positive cold-healing thoughts this past weekend hoping you’d be in tip top shape to receive the green magic today! I also met a woman, Sandra Miniere, author of “A Lighter Side to Cancer” who taught me a special tapping technique to help facilitate positive healing energy flow through the body. We’re definitely ready to help you “DO TODAY WELL”! ♥p

  14. “Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” — Pedro Calderon de la Barca


  15. Bonnie J /

    GREEN GREEN, just maybe one of my favorite colors. … signifies life, strength and vitality. The Lord is with you today Jen – so are we. ….Praying, Praying !!

  16. You are an inspiration. Your post goes so well with Eric’s talk at Northstar yesterday. You came to mind during his talk for me as one who is suffering with joy. God is working amazingly through you…thank you for your faithfulness. It’s inspiring!

  17. Marsha Vonderwish /

    Wish I had known about the green before I left for work!

    God is using you in a mighty way. Praying for you dear girl!

  18. Praying blessings on you and for you…

    While the chemo weapon is dripping into fight the battle, may you experience an infusion of God’s love for not only you, but also for your deep desire to do today well.

    Love and prayers.

    p.s. On a lighter note… don’t listen to any Muppets songs… Kermit had no idea of the POWER that comes in GREEN! 🙂

  19. Tiffany Green /

    My last name is Green so I’m wearing it proudly for you today! I’m doing today well in your honor and praying for God to heal your precious body! Love the pictures!!

  20. Holding you close in prayer.

  21. Lori6NV /

    Popping by to say I’m thinking of you and praying for you.