Smitten @ Christmas

Dec 16

I am smitten with my family. I mean sold out, totally in love, wouldn’t trade a thing for anything else. I love my wife more today than yesterday, and more than last week, month and year. I had this romantic hope when we got married that we would evolve to be different people over time, but that we would do it together and would be stronger because of the journey – simply because we would choose it to be so. Well, it’s true. Definitely not the script that we could have imagined – but then it wouldn’t be nearly the adventure that invites us to die to ourselves. I love my wife because she chose me. Period. And she continues to choose me everyday. Exclamation point! I don’t need anything else. I mean someone else chose to link their hopes and dreams with me in spite of myself. To think of the gravity of that … how could I be so deserving?

Maren, Greta, wow … what to say? How does a parent not get melted to a point of humility/pride/joy and, well, shear entertainment? I love these girls and am dumbfounded that God entrusted us to coach & love these two treasures. Surely we fail to emulate His unfathomable depth and breadth. Still, it is so sweet when we catch a glimpse of the honest, pure Truth that our bottom line intuition/soul confirms is the really-really undercurrent of our long-term hope. Isn’t it amazing how we can somehow see the simple goodness of life so clearly through the innocence of our children? Somehow God opens our eyes as we try to do the same for our children. Dependence is not a drag; it is an amazing gift … a gift that is both given and received. We are blessed to be in a family that “gets” that.

I relish in these thoughts on the threshold of Christmas. This is usually the beginning of my annual internal debate on the merits of the holiday. I’ve been tempted to be disillusioned by commercialism. I’ve struggled to grasp the integrity of a holiday started to pacify pagans in the name of Jesus’ birthday that would have been in the spring. Is it really about carrying on the giving tradition of Saint Nicholas of Florence, Italy? I’ve found that these questions ultimately miss the mark.

We celebrate Christmas because Christ chose us. What bakes my noodle is that He chose – and never stops to choose – us before and regardless of whether we choose Him. We are not deserving of the gift of the big-picture journey beyond our short time here on earth. Still, He invites us to be dependent on Him. I am so thankful for family to experience a small foretaste of that dependence we are offered from Jesus. And so we choose to celebrate Christmas … enjoying quality time with family and exchanging gifts as a symbolic reminder of the ultimate gift we are given and invited to receive.

I am smitten that I get to taste the “not-yet” in the “here and now.” Thanks for joining me, Babe. We are chosen. What a Merry Christmas indeed.



  1. Ahhh, that is a testament to Love…in all ways!!! We are blessed by your eloquent sharing! Merry Christmas to the loving Andersons!

  2. The Anderson family is, indeed, blessed beyond words. Have a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with good health and happiness.

  3. Marlayne Skeens /

    Norv ~ As I read your blog to Roz & Your Family, I have goosebumps & happy tears ~ my voice cracks as I read to Tom ~ What a deep & emotional writing of your heart ~ Many more BLESSINGS in 2013 to You & Yours 🙂 Until then, MERRY CHRISTMAS 🙂

  4. Absolutely beautiful. What a love story. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, such a blessing to me. Merry Christmas to you all and may God continue to bless you each and every day.

  5. Rita O'Brien /

    You guys are truly amazing. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

  6. suenitz /

    What a beautiful testimony of living God’s Will. This is the way God intends families to live. The love, the support and strength and most important the sharing of the gift of faith. Thank you for sharing your commitment to faith and family and for being such a wonderful light to all families. Love to you and may Christ’s love continue to shine through you.

  7. Love this post Brad and love your dear sweet family!! This Christmas is certainly one to remember-it’s full of blessing, memories, testimonies of Faith and answered prayer. We are all so blessed beyond words because HE did chose us. Merry Christmas to all of you!! And a very Happy New Year..

  8. So incredibly sweet! You two are amazing and are an amazing testamony to all! As I sit here and struggle through some personal family struggles, this reminds me of why I am fighting. Why I want the relationship. I thank you for that~May you have a wonderful Christmas and feel blessed beyond measure!

  9. What a beautiful testimony to the Goodness and the Love of Our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED, HEALTHY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. May GOD bless you and your family today and always. Love, Genora

  10. Pat Powell /

    Beautiful words expressing such depth of feeling – I will re-read it several times I am sure Thank you for sharing Brad Love Ma XXXX

  11. Thank you for writing, Hubby. Such tremendous sentiments you share with us. May your 2013 be full of rich and glorious blessings. Love, Lisa (a high school and college friend of Jen’s)